Havanese Wasabi Can Swim Too!

Hey, this is me - Wasabi who happens to be a swimming maniac. I jump in too when I have my druthers and swim with grace.
See, Katsuro is not the only one that knows how to swim around this place. All Havanese can swim but it's all in how you introduce them to it that makes a difference. Some totally love it like Katsuro (see his video below).
The video is when he first started jumping in but by summer's end, he was AMAZING) . He was jumping without prompting, running and jumping halfway across the pool and loving every minute of it but mommy found this video and just started to learn how to convert the Sony video file to an .avi and splice and edit. She'll get better and find better copy.
Some love it when they want to like me - Wasabi and some tolerate it like my packmate Shoshi. Just like humans, we are all different but have a pool - we can swim!
Best part is when my pups come, mommy can take videos and edit them. Mommy just put this video up to show you we can jump and swim and she had to figure it all out before the pups come. I am still holding on. Any takers for the weekend being the big day?
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