Tired Havanese

It's a day of all days here - so much rain and so many Havanese - especially that FIONA that won't leave me alone - play play - play all day and then they can't figure out why I sleep with my head up against the wall.
Then Mommy has to take a silly photo of me.
It's the day before I get shown - maybe as a special and oh-hum - it's way too much. They said I have to show out in the rain.
Mommy says - thankfully I have great structure as this wet conformation contest wouldn't do but mud..what about that?
Someone did tell me that on spa days they do mud packs all over the body but I envision something entirely different than this.
Well it is what it is...and pray for Mommy's sanity as she will be doing the clean up.
Wasabi also went to her appointment and you will have to see how many puppies they saw. She has her own blog for her and the pups you know...