Muddy Paws, Sticks & More

Coach went home last night and we got to see Sassy when they came to pick her up. She had a really small incision - much better than when Shoshi had hers.
We woke up to quiet with Coach gone.
I took them out back and even Kat was mixing it up - chasing Sebastian and Abigail. It was great and I only got 3 of them on camera where all of Kat was just a part of him as he tends to run way too fast.
We are in for a meltdown and had much junk strewn all over our floors - leaves, sticks - all in their hair and BLACK feet but I am not washing them as they will be back out getting black again. I will do a waterless bath tonight and wait till then to groom them. There's never a quiet moment with these guys.
Fiona's sister comes this Friday and we are excited. Abs gets a couple of teeth pulled this Wednesday and gets to do handling class. We are into teaching heel and stand and undoing the sits and downs - fun and we are exposing her to all sorts of strange dogs in Petsmart. She seems to do great with the dogs but hesitates with some people that really were afraid of dogs - strange in Petsmart and yes, they said that. Halfway through our Petsmart visit, she was saying hello to everyone. Progress - we think. We just have to keep at it as she is destined to walk the runway. hehe
More later...