HFC Rescue is a Lovie

The HFC rescue that we are fostering is a small Havanese but not thin - not under weight - has great muscle tone and although she will be 7 years old next month, she plays literally like a puppy non stop with the duo here and takes on Kat and Shoshi as well.
She goes for her health checkup at the end of the month.
If we didn't already have so many dogs, she would be staying here in a heart beat. She is an entirely different dog from arrival to now.
Let's see who she is today. She now sleeps on our bed. She cuddles while watching TV. Comes to you when she wants you to pick her up and give her hugs. She has learned to be patient. When treats are doled out, she waits her turn and now does a sit when requested. She 'comes' when called and without hesitation. She is a fast learner.
We are exposing her to people and outside dogs. Although hesitant for a few minutes and I mean just a few minutes - her curiousity gets the best of her and she checks people out - gives them kisses and plays with visiting dogs. We are saturating her with all different types of people and dogs. Yesterday she gave kisses to our groomer not once but a number of times and played her heart out with a visiting Wasabi pup. Today we are hoping she does the same with Gidget (formally Paris) who we believe is about the same size.
When we find her a home, we hope it is with another dog as she adores the play and company or someone that has frequent visits with other dogs. She adores walks and I mean adores them. Only barks when introducing play and the other dog isn't getting her desire. Is easily corrected even in this mode. She's bloody intelligent - fast learner - and loves learning.
She is now ringing the bell to go out or goes and gets you so she can do her business outside. She nests in a crate and seems to have comfort with the door open. We have not closed it yet.
She now plays with toys but has not learned retrieve yet though intently watches Abs play it. We shall see if she joins in. If you play with toys with her in a tug fashion, she has a ball.
She has managed to slow down her eating and drinking. She was choking quite a bit from eating/drinking too fast but she now trusts that her food is her food. She has no food aggression. We have taken necks - which she loves out of her mouth and given them back. She trusts she gets them back. She has slowed herself down in drinking. We believe this was a trust issue at first where she was afraid it was not going to be there. She also shares the water bowl with the others now. Before she waited till they were done.
Check out the gorgeous colours this gal has coming in and I do mean gorgeous. When a longer coat comes in - this gal will be stunning - but I like longer hair - others like them like this. Shaved down like this, she has a really pretty face.
Well, I could go on and on and we travel this dangerous game as we do with our pups - falling madly in love but this one has made it so easy. She is not at the bottom of the pack but each day she gains more and more of who she is and will be. She's becoming quite confident and an addition that not only fits in but as I said would remain if we didn't already have a pack.
So, the hunt is on to find her that perfect home where she counts - has playmates and someone that walks her as she adores those walks. If interested, let us know. We will direct you to the HFC rescue coordinator where you will have to fill out forms. If you are in the Toronto area and are interested - well let us know and you can come over and see what we see with your own eyes.
More of her adventures and the Talemaker crew as we live it...