Baer Test Passed & Much More

Well, the pups came home and Wasabi didn't go with us so she would start her conditioning of the pups leaving the nest, so to speak. They came home and she climbed up on the table to watch them and shook her hair tie out. Havanese love high spots.
All the pups passed their Baer. They have had a pretty busy 2 days and we are looking forward to getting them outside and unwinding.
Their respective weights:
1. The mostly white one is now 3lbs 13 oz
2. The gal is 2lbs 13.5 oz
3. Remy (black left ear 2 spots) 3lb even
4. Double black mask 2lbs 12.5 oz
5. Mostly black (tux) 2lb 11oz
6. Half mustache like his mom 3lbs 9 oz.
At birth they were:
1. 5 ounces
2. 5 ounces
3. 4 ounces
4. 4 ounces
5. 4 ounces
6. 4 ounces
They all grow differently and its not necessarily an indicator of their adult weights. Katsuro was the runt of the litter and is now a solid 12 lbs. He did most of his growing from 4 months on.
Our vet was impressed at how early they climbed and walked. I am finding the entire litter quick to catch on and patient as well. It's a winning combination, in my book. I have had wild thoughts of giving back deposits and keeping them all to myself. No worries - I wouldn't do such a thing but I just adore this crew and there's not a single one that doesn't amaze me in one way or another or make me laugh.
Well - more later....