Havanese Shanty Gal

Shanty's breeder is a friend of ours. She found a home but sadly the owner fell 2 weeks after getting her and was bed-ridden. Eventually the owner went into a nursing home and at that time, Shanty came to us.
Check out this video showing Shanty playing with our boarder, Cesar.
Shanty's Breeder just had a baby and lives far from the Toronto area so we offered to help her be all she can be till we can find her a forever home. Shanty is still a puppy, under 1 years old.
When she came, she wouldn't walk on a lead. We were told she was never on one except for one obedience class at which she froze. When I first placed the lead on Shanty, she hit the ground and played dead. She would not move. Now, after weeks of working with her, she is starting to become comfortable on the lead but has yet to go for a proper walk. WE are hoping by weeks end she will be investigating the neighbourhood. She is food motivated, which is helpful. We believe in positive reinforcement only so using a treat or even a single kibble to motivate her to get up and walk works for us and is something she understands.
She plays with the boarders and visitors and is not shy. No question the environment in our home is helping her as she has many dogs to watch and learn from now. It's as if she had limited development due to a lack of opportunities to socialize for so long. We are making up for lost time.
If you think you might be interested in acquiring this sweetheart, knowing that you do have some work ahead of you, obedience courses for certain, making chances to socialize, just being with her and loving her, please let us know.