The Jazziest Havanese

Just wanted to share this photo we received from our friends that own a really 'must see' store called 'Eye on Fashion' in Richmond Hill for any gal that loves clothes. The best part about visiting this store is you get to see Jazzy as he is often in the store greeting everyone. No, I don't make a habit of giving anyone plugs but the clothes...and Jazzy - and the owners - well it makes you wish everyone ran their business like that.
Jazzy every now and then comes to play with our gang but we will wait until its not muddy as he always looks so clean and handsome unlike a few of our dogs at the moment as every time I clean them - well they find the mud and my white tiled floors reflect that...sigh. Wasabi is the worse as she loves tunneling under the deck and teaching the pups all sorts of things.
We may be - well Nathan may be - bringing either Abigail (she needs to do her socialization stuff for the ring in 2 weeks) or Sebastian up to see the Jazz.
Cocoa comes to visit tomorrow and we hear - rain, rain, rain all weekend. We are wishing Yvonne well in the ring this weekend as she is in Harrisburg, Pa.
More later as the day unfolds.