Bloated Havanese Ready & Waiting

Well, another day passes and mom is making sure I stay clean. I got all dirty after going out with the pups yesterday and I can't resist going into the mud. But mom brushed me up yesterday. Today she placed me on my back to start brushing and feeling pups and then she had the nerve to take an exposed photo like this. Come on, mom - I know Paris Hilton thrives on exposure but me...I am a lady. I guess Paris may say how can you compare me to a dog but if you have to - well I am the genuine thing and she should be lucky to be compared to me. ROFL!
The only Havanese that is owned by a celebrity to my mom's knowledge is Barbara Walters and hers talks - yeah you heard it. Well shh - we all talk but it's those humans that don't know how to listen. I hear the pups talking to me all the time from my tummy and they were saying - 'it's getting too crowded here' - 'stop rubbing her tummy lady' - 'you are squishing us' - 'it's time to get out of this darken, wet place where all my needs are met to seek a new adventure.' Yeah - I heard them and are you going to tell me I am wrong? A mother always knows. Just wait till they get here. They will tell you! Any day now....all six.