Breeze Came to Visit

This is an Abigail pup. She looks so much like her mom, it is unreal. She came to visit to accompany her brother home and I suspect let him know the rules of the house.
I adore Breeze and her parents. They are such great people and I am glad they got a sibling. Once the adjustment occurs, they will be laughing and watching run like hell games and wondering how they did it with just 1. It happens. If it didn't, we wouldn't be sitting with ours.
There's nothing like the havanese and 2 are really fun to watch as there are simply things that 1 can't do without another Havanese. It's not the same with a golden or a anything. Two Havs just play in a unique way as if they are meant to be. It's hard to explain but until you watch 2 in action, well all you have is your imagination.
Reader Comments (1)
"Thank you so much", we so are so thankful that you gave us the opportunity to have Breeze in our lives and now our little guy Chinook....we are already feeling the "love and fun of 2".