Havanese Grooming Video

We hope this free Talemaker Havanese grooming video offers you some tips on how to wash and maintain a Havanese coat.
Yes, it's long. Yes, it looks like a home video - a videographer, I am not but this should give you an idea of one method of grooming. I am a bit strong in my method of brushing but I actually don't break much hair but do get a full and silky look and feel. It does depend on what the dog has to begin with but you can improve on any coat. Check it out here or below. It's large so Youtube would not allow a video of such size. Then tell us what you want here. Maybe we will do shorter ones that give you ideas to make a method that is your own.
Reader Comments (18)
I enjoyed your video very much, and got some good tips from it. The one problem with it is that you fade out the printed words before I have finished reading it. I don't think I'm a slow reader, but I think you go too fast with the words, especially if it's more than one sentence. Can you fix this? I feel that I missed out on quite a lot.
Thanks - Marcella Lee
Marcella: I may have to redo it completely to do that. I am looking into it and if I do find the time, I will post that I have an update. I appreciate the post!
Marcella, I have a solution instead of me redoing for hours but indeed something to take into consideration for the next version, while you are viewing the video, click on the far left button to pause. You can get buttons to show up anytime by putting your mouse over the video. Hope this helps.
This is auch a great video, I really enjoy it. Very educational, I'm going to try some of these methods on Gidget, though I know she won't let me brush her as much as you bruahed Treasure. Treasue is such a good girl, and she looking great!!
Darla, thanks for the very helpful video. We are hoping to get a Havanese next summer and this has really helped us understand what is involved in full-coat maintenance.
For ideas of other vids that would be helpful, one on foot care/trimming would be much appreciated - by me at least. Cheers!
brilliant video, what products do you use?
i espeacially loved the kisses to her nose, i do that myself just cant resist.
Great video! I also had a problem with reading the subtitles, I had to pause the video several times to make sure I did not miss anything. You did a wonderful job with the video and all the grooming! I love all the brushing you do while drying and you are not having to hold the dryer. I like that!
Excellent video!
What's in the white bottle with blue label that you're using to brush pre-bath?
Like you read my mind! I was going to ask to watch
Ripley's bath next time. My problem is that Ripley's feet & belly are always dirty. He is an outdoor boy and loves to play. Just running the shampoo through doesn't get them clean enough and rubbing makes tangles (okay, huge knots) any suggestions?
Great video...I think you should make DVD's and advertise and sell them through the Talemaker Havanese magazine, or market them with the Nose to Tail books, as it is great to see the visual. It is so great to be able to see the way you do it and the best products to use.
great video guys!
I am always in awe of the people who can just put one of these things together in no time flat! i just dont have the techie knowledge, well done
What a good video and easy to follow, If I was you I would make a copy available to the Havanese Club GB who have some members and committee members who feel a Havanese can be presented at show very matted, so caring better members groom it for these lazy owners.
do one for Bichon Frise to , so this doesnt happen again , yes the same pwerson is now showing Havanese as per post above .
I find any kind of animal abuse or neglect abhorrent if your videos stop that then I for one will happily promote your efforts.
I have already watched the video 3 times as it is such a fantastic learning tool! Thank you for sharing these techniques. I agree, you and Nathan make a great team I know I'd be up for instructional DVD's to maintain our havanese. Getting matts out is no longer a lengthy process - Oreo and I thank you! :)
Could you list the products that have worked the best for the cottony wavy coat like Shoshi's, and then for the silky like Wasabi''s, and the wooly coat too?
Wonderful to see this. I just took Chelsea for her first puppy grooming. It was an education to see this and I promise to never complain about how much it costs ! Can you do one someday that shows how they are clipped?
Just wonderfull!!! I recieved some basic instruction on care when my havanese was just 5 months old (before blowing her coat??????). I managed to keep her tangle free but caused her some pain from pulling on the hard knots. Then I purchased the book "From Nose to Tail" and watched a video you had linked to your page. But this video really puts it all together for me. Katie does wiggle some in the bath, but loves getting brushed under the dryer -- need to get a setup like yours so both my hands would be free to brush and comb.
Thanks for all the wonderful information you post on your site. Taking video is never easy but you managed to do a great job. Titles could have been longer but I found the the pause button worked okay.
I have two dogs to bath and groom today and I am looking forward to trying some of the things I saw in the video.
A good dog pet groomer will be providing a complete list of choices to take care of each pet person's wants. Maintaining your best pal well groomed and clear is important. A enormous variety of a pet's fur garden sheds normally which is a part of their inherited make-up and kind individuality. Another considerable point is to be aware that some pets molt or reduce their hair more than any others.
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