Change of House

Tomorrow I promise to get you photos and a video. Today I had 4 dogs to wash and I tend to be thorough so you won't find your dog drying in a crate. I have them on the table, brushing them and combing them throughout to make sure they are beautiful.
Thing is, I have absolutely no control when they just go and shake and roll about like Penny did today after her mom arrived.
Havanese are just Havanese and love to keep you laughing and on your toes. It's why I adore them.
This morning when we woke up, 5 minutes after we got up, Penny and Holly were playing up a storm. Then Missy and Treasure joined in.
Last night Holly wanted to go on 2 walks. Missy and
Penny decided one was enough. I should have taken a video of them all at the gate inside our front door jumping around like banshees saying, me first.
Photos and video tomorrow - I promise. Tonight we are down to just our own crew and its quiet.
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