No Sunny Havanese Day

Out in the RainWell Saki came today for an overnighter and goes home tomorrow. Marlee and Jazmyn will be heading home tomorrow as well. The rest of the crew will be hanging around for a bit and hopefully the sun will shine. hehehe They say not till Monday or Tuesday.
Due to boarders and puppies, we were unable to go to the Purina National to watch Fiona's daughter show for her first time. She just turned 6 months and got reserve today. We are excited! Nathan will be heading there tomorrow to watch and take Kit Kat and Val and her crew home.
You should drop by the show tomorrow to watch the Havanese. Read all about the show on our events page.
I will be holding down the fort with our son.
The crew is really bonding. Scout can be caught jumping on Towser. Scout's a small puppy and Towsers bigger so it is way fun to watch. It was Scout that persisted and Towser finally complied.
Check out today's photos on the boarders and visitors photo page.
You will see Saki and her siblings - yes we have 3 siblings here. Plus the rest of the crew.
Towser is such a funny bandit. He can grab something from our son and then look at him as if to say - who me?
Lots of funny stories today but I got to get back to the crew. Just know they are all having a swimmingly wet time. Everyone gets groomed but the photos don't look that way. In, out, wet, dry, wet, dry and on and on it goes. It took me a long time to get everyone done as when I was halfway through they were wet and muddy again. All you can do is laugh and laugh and we do.
But I have to say, where is that sun?
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