Cuddles & Snow

The dawgs are missing Whitney. It's strange. They sniff her spots as if to say where is she. I miss her too.
I wish I lived somewhere that dawgs live as long as humans and you could have as many as you want as long as they don't irritate the neighbours, are loved, groomed and well taken care of.
Too many dogs don't have homes. Good ones are not always easy to find.
Grooming is difficult. I need to wash a few dogs but keep waiting for the hand to get better. I am a tad crazy. I look at the dawgs and I can't handle them not being brushed and knot free.
Well, I am going to rest the hand and hope tomorrow is a better day. Catch you then. Dawgs are really enjoying the cuddles and the snow!
Reader Comments (1)
The sprained wrist (or ankle) sometimes takes very long to heal especially we do not let it rest. ICE it if it is swollen, REST is important. Or get some advice from a good
physiotherapist. Take care....