Getting Older

Abigail is no longer feeding her babies but she is playing with them in a big way, so is Wasabi.
With puppies growing up, changes occur. Moms are fed with the other dawgs once again and they are fed less food - back to the usual.
Why does that happen? Moms would get fat and this also allows for a transition time for the pups giving moms time to teach vs. feed. It's a critical time.
Moms enjoy this time and they know it is transition time.
Now that Red is gone Abigail is playing up a storm with Raylan. Then soon Raylan will be off to England and Abigail won't have any pups hanging out here.
They leave the nest too early, I say but maybe moms realize it's time but they do seem to miss them.
It's sort of like us humans becoming empty nesters. It's an adjustment but we also enjoy the quiet and less work aspect. Miss then we do though till they make more work for us. hahahaha
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