Ooops Wrong Way

We had a guest that thought the way everyone else was going through didn't make sense so it went through the screen vs. the doggie door. There's a first time for everything.
That's Abigail utilizing the hole vs. the door trying to duplicate their effort - so time to replace.
Today most everyone had a groom just before their walk. Abigail got a bath and so did Kat. Kat needed one as he decided to jump in the pool. All it takes is Nathan getting his bathing suit on.
Does it make more sense to you to groom after or before the walk? Before means they are stylin' when they go out. After means they are getting it when they most need it. :-)
Here Risa is waiting her turn. She says - forget about the grooming - let's just go and have fun.
Risa was one of those that got her freshen up after she got back from the walk.
When do you groom?
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