Grand Kids and Pups & The Talemaker Crew

The grand kids are here from North Carolina and also our 2 grand children from Toronto. It's been a bit of an adjustment for the dogs and each reacted differently.
Risa tried to jump on the diving board with one of them as that is what she does with her Daddy and Wasabi barked when Luke cried. Shoshi had a grand time watching and being wonderful where she usually is not fond of sudden movements.
The house noise level has increased 10 fold. The pups were taken aback for a second when they saw so many people - so much noise but off they trotted to the grass and had a rip roaring time. So - they survived.
Daddy will be remaining home tomorrow where human Mommy will be doing the ex for a bit of the day. The thought...I don't know how the daughter does it comes to mind - or I am way too old and forget and the they give you a hug - make you laugh and the you know.
It is indeed a crazy dawg house here today. Peel me off the floor next week. Pups going home. Lots of activity. Well at least the dogs will get their conditioning in for sure.
Now tell me, what are you doing? Don't tell me you are relaxing with your Havs.
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