Visitors Leave, Visitors Remain

Well, Daddy is at the Nationals in Chicago. That means it's Mommy and the crew and our son Den that helps mom maneuver things and walks the dogs.
I am not sure how I would do it without him but I would - I gather. Just nice to have the extra hands to help. I get sleep that way.
Well, Lucy went home. She had a bath today - her 2nd one while here and it was a chore keeping her looking nice. She just is such a beautiful tomboy. I had to laugh after the umpteenth time of trying to fix that head hair. She sure plays up a storm.
The camera - Nathan's STINKS - well that's a statement - I know but it sure isn't my camera but our visitor Fred remains. He was a tad concerned with the crew but soon got into settling in as soon as he figured out the crew was fun to have around. He runs like the wind and plays retrieve amazingly beating out most everyone to get the toys.
He's not crazy about grooming but we are working on it with massages and treats while getting it done and extra snuggles too. Yes - he is allowing me to snuggle him big time - how nice.
It's been a busy day and this mom - human has a major headache and can't figure out why so may lay down with the crew and snuggle till it goes away. Pups are sleeping - so perfect time. Stay cool - folks!! We are lovin' the dawgs for sure!!
PS: Thank you for everyone at the nationals that said they like our site. We just have a huge passion for the dawgs..can you tell but we appreciate that others think so too. I am honestly not sure what we did without the Havanese in our lives. There's nothing like them!
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