Just a Few Photos of Today

No time to do a slide show today. We are having way too much fun. But here is a highlight. Louis just came tonight and Louis is a regular and we just adore him. We also appreciate the wine and chocolates - yum! Louis is having a great time.

Cocoa is Zack's pack mate. they live together and you can surely tell. They play as if they love each other and you can tell. Cocoa also plays with the rest of the crew but truly enjoys Nathan and Zack above all else.

Zack lives with Cocoa and is a party boy. He just loves all of the dawgs. If you are wiling to play - well he's your guy.

Fred adores playing with everyone and tends to like the gals the best. Sure he plays with the boys but those gals - well they smell nice. hahahaha

The crew got wet and more wet and was brushed and dried and brushed and dried as it has been raining non stop here. Now do you understand the lack of the slide show? Besides, the dawgs are priority - don't you think? Here a couple are snoozing after hard play.

Oh my - well Bailey found mud. She was so delighted it was so funny. She went under our Japanese Maple and ran like a banshee and got so muddy, it was unreal. Yes, we cleaned her up. But I know what floats her boat now more than anything.

Cesar is another party boy who plays nonstop with all takers. He is up and down the stairs outside, in out below ground patio, across the pool, under the deck - anything that gets those guys chasing him and he loves it.
So, can we come in - go out, come in - go out? Who cares if that crazy human has to clean us up. We LOVE this game.
Missy came this afternoon with her packmate Holly who is a little puppy gal who you can see playing with Treasure on Talemaker Puppy Life . She's not one of ours but we highlighted her on our puppy pages. Missy has been here before and makes herself at home. She jumps up and down on everything with ease and surely remembers most of the crew and shows it.
If I forgot someone - sorry but it's been a dawg wet day. Hope you understand. More tomorrow.
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