Wet & Dreary Day

Now that you have seen Kat when he is all neatly brushed (below in yesterday's note), today he had a who cares what I do day. Still a handsome guy in our opinion but he went from that tux look to that casual look all in one day.
Mommy caught up on brushing the crew thoroughly and just let then roll and play and have fun as that is what a Havanese really should do. What fun is life is you don't muck it up when you can and that includes those human types. We all need that!!
Click on the photo to see a closer view.
Abs had a haircut months ago now and her hair is starting to come back in - so is Shoshi's and Risa's. Shall I cut - shall I keep longer?
Do you go through that too?
Well, our last puppy goes on Thursday and a visiting puppy comes on Wednesday.
We are truly looking forward to the visiting dawgs this month. They all sleep in our bed unless they are here long term and an owner needs them to stay crate trained. Then they sleep right next to the bed loved and coddled still.
We had a visiting bichon and she had an x-pen in our bedroom as that is what the owner required but play sessions before bed, cozy blankets and pillows and beds at night and first thing she was back in the mix running with the rest. Besides, she did our crazy bedtime crawl under the blankets and play on our bed before she caught some zzzs.
So, we do make exceptions to our rule - that they must sleep on the bed with us. We do listen. :-)
Can't wait till we have visitors. December will be an absolutely fun adventure. You'll just have to drop by and read the antics of everyone at Talemaker Havanese.
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