Upset Time

So upsetting....we took video of Chico and none of it came out. :-(
I have had it with this video's (this video camera) got to go as soon as I can get another. :-(
Plus to add insult to injury, my camera is in the shop so do you think I got a good photo of Chico - NOT. :-( This one is the best we have.
Wasabi played with the pups amazingly. She really enjoyed Chico but do I have a video of it - no. We also had video of the Fiona pups with everyone.
Well, I do have a video of Wasabi last night with Chewy and Saki and I am hoping Chico's owner sends us some stills of Chico while he was here...but till then, enjoy the Wasabi, Chewy and Saki video.
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