Rainy Days for Havanese & Outside Duties

What are you to do on a rainy day when your little one doesn't want to get wet? Yep - you got that right!
Some Havanese will dive into snow piles, jump into pools, swim at the lake but get their feet wet on a rainy day - no way!
You may ask yourself what the hey is the difference but put some OLD socks on, go out and walk in the rain especially in the grass and maybe you may 'get' what that icky squishy feeling is to some Havanese.
Now that you 'get' it that doesn't mean you give into such quirkiness. You pick them up, place them in the center of the grass and tell them to get busy. If they try to run to the house, don't let them but stay upbeat as if they are just plain being silly. I won't say they will love it but they will deal better.
The crew is hanging out today. Gidget, Kat, Abs and Fiona did play this morning while the others watched and Kooba and Wasabi is headed off to the vet. Our vet out of the city is an hour and a half away but a fraction of the cost but then we can go visit Yvonne and the pups - but I will miss that today. Due to the rain, I got the bulk of the dogs and have spent much time 'slow conditioning' them to that outside rain.
Now it is YOUR turn.
More later.>>
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