Havanese Puppy Play: A Taste of Heaven

Every one of us needs the play that a puppy possesses. Here Miss Abs is saying to Fiona - come get me. They played back and forth like this for over 30 minutes then drank a ton and came inside and dropped.
I need that enthusiasm and play and most of all that energy. Know where I can get it? Is it contagious? I surely wish it was.
When everything is too much to handle and I feel like overload city, I sit down for a moment and watch these two and for that moment in time - all is right in the world. If they did nothing else with anything else in their life - they have filled a need - at least mine of laughter and we all need that.
Today I took a fab photo of our son and grand kids. None that I am overly pleased with the dogs but I am learning the camera. I am so jazzed with it.
No matter how much work the dogs can be when you have many dogs like we do, well they are work if you do it right and we muster up sick or well for them - well they are a bit of heaven on earth. Everyone should have some of that.
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Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.