Controlling the Food Dishes

Food time is an exciting time around here. After the group goes outside to do their duty, they come back in and wait for the human daddy to feed them.
One would think with so many dogs that a lot of invading other dog bowls would exist but it doesn't.
The crew really tells any new comer that we simply don't try to steal the food from others - of course when they walk away - they all think it's open season.
It wasn't always so easy. We used to feed in different parts of the room or even put others in different rooms or stand between those that don't know how to tell another please don't touch my food from the one that thinks they can eat and eat and eat and that means everyone elses.
You can teach them to respect the space by standing between the bowl and the offending 'I want that food - dog' but you also have to tell them it's not agreeable. After awhile of that, I won't say they will never attempt to eat someone else's food but I will say they will keep a healthy distance till the other is done.
It is up to you - the human to set the rules and follow through on making them follow them in positive ways. Even if you think they are cute about it - you have to say - these are the rules and just because you look at me all adoring like - well you can't have 'x'.
The crew is out swimming and I am inside working. Who's having fun? Not I but the doggies are and Nathan is the 'excitement coordinator'. They can't get enough of the games he plays with them and the pool. It's nice!
One day I am going to film them all bombing out the door in excitement. It's so nice to see.
More later!
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