Motley Havanese Crew

We had Yvonne and crew over and we had a blast. Yvonne stayed in till she shrunk up and disappeared and I was the only one that decided this was not for me today - well almost - Maggie also decided such.
How do you get a Havanese to 'like' swimming?
Well, dogs are like humans - some love it - some tolerate it and some have no desire. But it does matter how you introduce them. We have the entire gamut when it comes to the water.
Katsuro is our jumping in fiend who adores it and can't get enough of it. Abs likes it but well she has her days when she says ENOUGH and Fiona well can I lay under the chair instead? Wasabi loves it but not to dive - swim and swim - yep.
So, how do you introduce a dog to swimming? Well, first thing you gently hold them, talk to them while you are in the pool with them and then show them the way out by guiding them. This is critical. You can also create a game after they gain their comfort level and that is why Kat loves it so. It's purely a game for him.
You can use lures that float. You can swim with them. The key is make it a game - go slow - and keep a positive attitude and it will come together.
Check out pregnant Lola (Kat's the dad) on top of her human mom's back.
Havanese love to sit on high spots and in the water - well for Lola - the water is no exception.
Wet - comfortable and chillin' Havanese style. Get wet with your Havanese.
Reader Comments (2)
nice blog isnt it?" REL="nofollow">berto xxx
that's really cute..wish i had one too.