Competition and Tsk Tsk Oh No Havanese

Yes, you are seeing this photo right. Kat has competition big time now from the Fiona.
She gets so excited, she jumps around on her back legs not being able to contain herself. She's an absolute riot and then she jumps in and I actually managed to capture it with my camera - which doesn't do action shots all that well.
This isn't the first time but it is the first time I managed to catch in on digital.
I just adore her enthusiasm. Does the girl swim right out? No - just like Kat she swims all over enjoying herself before getting out, shaking herself off.
She's not a stupid dog either cause when she gets tired, she hitches a ride right on human daddy's back. That was her idea.
You have to love this tiny little thing filled with enthusiasm. She's going to be a riot in the ring - I tell ya!
I think I have the key. Take over the top personality - mix it with excitement and - well you get fun in the pool and I wish I had captured her strutting her stuff so proud of what she did. She is indeed a 'look at me' dog.
Well, everyone knows that we stopped walking dogs during puppies as it is too easy to pass things on to the so - Risa got - well there is no other nice way to put it but - wide in the berth or mid-section or all over. ROFL Well, the gal is on a diet and exercise and she thinks he throat has been cut. She's not a happy camper and she sometimes sulks and whines and Risa never whines about a thing till this - food.
Well, Risa is perfectly behaved - never has anything she does wrong except get grouchy at times but today the smell of lamb chops and daddy leaving the room was too much for her to handle and when daddy got back, the lamb chops were mostly eaten and she was munching away on the table. Needless to say - Risa understands she did something wrong and she actually realized it when Nathan came into the room and I suppose even before she got up on the table but as I said - hell hath no fury like a starving woman. ROFL
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