Nothing Like Havanese Wet Play - Continued

Well, we have had some real fun today fitting in pool, grand kids, shopping at the Village Market and standing in line for a Wii Rock Band that never came at both Best Buy and Toys R Us. Are we nuts or what? Well, Nathan had the grand kids and the dogs all swimming and I had the lineups. Who had the better deal? I ask myself that all the time. I hate traffic and line ups but the pool I can handle.
Anyone who knows Havanese knows that all it takes to get a Havenese in full on play is to get them wet. They pounce, run-like-hell and have all sorts of fun. Our two youngest was doing just that.
We have more photos to come and more stories to tell later today but we have to hit a pool store before we wake the neighbours due to our pool cleaner. Long story and go to Shoppers for my fave dog deep conditioner. Yes - that's right. I use a deep conditioner that is for humans in the dogs - especially on the show dogs so they still have life - full on play and can still be shown. They aren't as pristine as those segregated show dogs but hey, they are having an amazing time building tales to dream on.
More later as life gets a tad quieter or it starts pouring and we can't do the outside thing.
Well, it's later and the dogs did have a grand time. As you can see in this photo, the youngest duo was having a run-like-hell game that lasted for close to an hour. Usually it's short spurts but that wet again tends to invigorate them.
Ignore the weeds as they are many with this lovely weather we have been having.
It's hard to believe I used to be on the garden tour - well my yard was.
It's the dogs or weeds and guess which one I pick. ROFL
Well, the duo ran under the deck, over the deck, up the walkways, behind the pool house over and over.
I do believed this pair is totally bonded but Katsuro of late has been teaching them, playing with them and really investing his time with them rather like he did with the pups.
It's nice to see this side of him - that gentle soul. Kat not only jumped in and swam with Nathan today but also with the grand kids.
Nathan also took in our old lady retriever who seems to be losing the back legs again.
If you followed us last summer, you will remember that the pool exercises got her walking again. We are hoping for the same this time but we also have to realize she's aging.
She's unable to pull herself out of the pool so Nathan had to help her but perhaps in a few weeks she will be. We shall see.
Wasabi has just finished her false pregnancy. I guess she enjoyed motherhood that she wanted more pups. She's starting to get back into the funk of life and playing again. It's genuinely great to see.
Here you can see her doing the play bow to the rest of the pack - come play - come play!
It does my heart good to see Wasabi back to being full of life!
Well, the gang had a glorious time and so did the grand kids.
We are off to see Yvonne, Alex, pregnant Lola (our Katsuro is the dad) and Mags, Flora, Fiona's sister Downey & resident large Havanese Beardie Britney.
You can click on any photos to see a larger version.
Fun will be had by all, I am sure!
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