Steamy, Wet and Plain Uncomfie Havanese

Well, another steamy, hot day in Havanese land. We are wet from the thunderstorms, steamy heat and just plain strange weather. It's hard to get comfortable.
Our heart goes out to a certain Havanese called Lexi that has had no air conditioning for the last couple of days.
Our friends at Chicadoro Havanese has some tips on how to deal with this strange weather.
Katsuro is just hanging out in one of our beds just trying to get warm. He's a rather wet boy. Some Havanese love the rain like him and others like our Shoshi go - oooh wet feet - yuck. Shoshi I have to pick up and put her in the middle of the grass when it rains to do her business and Katsuro would stay out there and get soaked to the skin. He also loves diving in the pool so that says a lot too. Water seems to be a friend of his.
WE are off to handling class tonight. Abs has so much conditioner on her she could slide out the door - hahahaha - yeah I am trying to be funny but its now starting to feel that way. Bath for her come late Thursday or 4am Friday before show - yikes but this rain may wash it away. Who said these dog shows are for the weak at heart or body - well they aren't. Ha!
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