Creative Havanese Dog Showing

We are going to start a new trend in dog showing - the 2 legged kind. We think Miss Fiona would be a true star on 2 legs. Can you hear her - daddy - daddy - daddy - please can I go for a walk - NOW!
Miss Fiona tends to walk across an entire room on her back legs. It reminds you that they were once amazing comical circus dogs and you can see why. Some of them are a bit more - look at me - look at me - like Miss Fiona is - ALWAYS! But they are agile, quick to get new commands and certainly believe in having fun. If the world does not have fun in it for Miss Fiona and the Miss Abs - well they create it and I rather enjoy that!. It's an infectious attitude that we could all use.
Miss Sassy has been staying with us till Coach recovers from his snip/snip. She goes back home today.
Taking a look at her in this photo, you could never tell she had black feet and I mean BLACK feet from romping at Yvonne's. They love it there but oh my - muddy city with the rain. I let it dry. Today I sprayed it with waterless bath. I took a wipe to get the dirt that remained in and blow dried it spraying a tad more of waterless bath. Does her feet look black today? HINT: If you let the mud dry instead of washing the feet right away, it actually is EASIER to clean.
We really enjoyed the Sass staying here and we believe she had a grand time. She's a major bed snuggler and kisser. Ah but she then gets to see that Coachie guy and all will be right in the world then - back from holidays to her home. She's just had a vacation doggie style. hahaha
More later. Rain is coming. Abs is showing this Friday. Training - training training and then an infusion of fun - we hope.
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