Havanese Benny & Canine Mom Mixing It Up

Just had to share a couple of photos of Risa mixing it up with her son Benny (Katsuro's Brother). They were playing non-stop.
Benny came to us way hesitant with mixing it up with the pack and that's unusal around here so we were hoping by pick up, his owners could hear how great of a time he had with us.
We strive to give the dawgs the very best time while they are here. Having them find their balance is really important to us. If they are happy - well it surely makes us happy.
Yesterday Abigail was mixing it up with Benny and this fine morning, Miss Risa - who doesn't play unless she really feels she likes the dawg was having a roaring good time with him.
Here's a shot of Risa pouncing at Benny getting him to engage in play. She's flying through the air at him. They did this nonstop and it was a back and forth and I do believe Benny was really having a grand time, as was Risa.
It's hard to get good photos with my camera with lots of movement but we try so ignore the blur and enjoy.
Did you ever get that camera, Beth? If so, gad I envy you. To get clean photos in action...ah well. Nathan's going to tell me to stop whining and I deserve THAT! ROFL
Well, we try. These are Nathan's attempts at capturing these really special moments and they are to us. Woudl have loved a closer photo of Risa in mid-air but you still get the point.
Here you can barely see Benny reciprocating doing a play bow back. He was full out and out playing with the grand dam - his canine mommy. It was fun to watch.
Rememember you can click any photo to enlarge them.
This photo of Benny was taken by Nathan through our window. We had just came back in and they wanted to stay out and then the play began and we didn't want to interrupt it. So, we got the photos we did and the memories - well are keepers.
So, some play last night - Jonathan becoming his person and Risa engaging him in play. All is right in Benny's world and therefore ours.
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