Havanese Action Shots

It's really difficult to get a good 'action' shot with a digital camera that is not a digital SLR but if you persist and shoot, shoot, shoot, by accident eventually you 'will' get some. Due to the way that the pups bounce around, I may get an action shot out of 100 photos taken that I like. Either get a better camera. (Eventually I plan to) or if you can't afford to, keep at it and click even when you think its not a good selection. By the time the camera clicks, it may be. The best part about having a digital is you can delete even before you put them on your camera.
This was Miss Abs jumping at a toy and I was the one with the toy coaxing her and trying to click at the same time. Multi-tasking - I tell you.
We also took a walk today. Actually Miss Abs got 2 walks - one with the Fiona to motivate her and she did wonderful and one with Terra.
If I had the right angle, you might even see a flash of paw. Miss Abs prances on her walks. Now to see what she does on her last obedience class.
Just looked out my window and that means more snow photos today. Yikes, it's snowing YET again.
We have Risa's son coming over again today and we are hoping to get photos of him. We had Coach and Sassy over last night, Benny over earlier but we were too focused on Benny to remember to take out the camera. For shame on us!
More later today. Keep clicking/shooting!
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