Havanese Puppy Play & Visits

What a day - what a day - fun filled days - what we live for - what the Havanese live for.
Okay, human mommy is playing in Photoshop and the pups are playing full steam this morning too but off the computer and all through the house.
Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger view at anytime.
Fiona really keeps the Abs busy trying to deak her out. Here she is 'thinking' she is hiding but really she isn't. She does hide under the couch and ottomon that Mis Abs can't fit under any longer. Fiona's days are numbered. It won't be long till she can't fir either. She's growing in leaps and bounds.
Looks like we may have Benny for a visit today and tonight Sassy and Coach. Wow - fun times.
More later today.>>
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