Havanese Comforts

Well we are off to a dog show today to see all the dogs strut their stuff. I promise to bring home lots of photos for you to see. I best remember the camera and I best remember to take it out.
Our beloved Fiona - is that what you are calling her, Nathan? Well, she's coming on Thursday after her Baer and Abs gets her Baer then too. Monday we have 3rd shots and we can rest a tad easier.
Our home is really for the dawgs. We create comfort places all over the place. Here you can see Wasabi sitting under a table on a bed. This gives her a birds-eye view with the comfort of a perception that she is in a den. The dawgs LOVE things like this. It doesn't cost you hardly anything but a pillow under the table and it all works for them.
We try to give our dawgs a sense of really having the cush life and they do.
Our son came in from Japan and that was way exciting. Today is Super Bowl time and all I can think of is yeah Havanese - not yeah football so virtually shoot me all you Super Bowl fans but we are off to the dawg show and will be lovin' it seeing old faces, new faces and getting into a positive state of mind. More after we come back.
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