Baths, Food Hounds Havanese

My name is Treasure. As they say I am a treasured little thang. I need to get in so I can feed this fading belly. As you can see - they don't feed me much. Okay - they do but I want Wasabi's, that cutie visitor boy that plays with me Rocky and anyone else that eats too slow - in my opinion. I have a tummy to support.
The humans say - oh oh another alpha food hound. Now how will we survive? It's going to be fun having a little or is that a lot of treasured hair ball around.
Today Abigail had a bath and has taken to sleeping and sitting on a bed on my desk. She rather likes that - looking down at everyone. Rocky is way smitten by her. She's off to a vet visit this week along with Wasabi, Treasure, Katsuro and Fiona. So, we do baths here and there inbetween work so we get it all done.
Today, Gidget goes home - sniff sniff and is she going to get excited to see Audrey. We just adore the gal. Till the next time...
More later...
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