Brace Win & Much Fun

We had a grand time at the show meeting new people and renewing relationships.
We even had the bonus of seeing some of our dog or puppy people and Liz and Sylvie and Sebastian's mom and dad, and Kirsten and family, and Anne and the kids with Colin stuck outside with Louis who they wouldn't let into the show (his puppy cut must have given him away as a non competitor) ;-) and on and on and on.
It was great fun even with double pneumonia. (Darlah has been sick for going on a month. Naturally she has not stopped or barely slowed down but she really is slowly getting better.)
The best part was Nathan's win on the brace as it was almost comedy in action but the gals actually performed quite well with no practice but the other team didn't have much either. (The other team had the Best of Winners winner and Award of Merit winner so no slouches you understand.) Abs was in her first heat and at Yvonne's until the Thursday night before the show and by the time she got back, well who had time to practice two dogs walking in sync. But Nathan knew the dogs, switched in mid-action as he knew Abigail now had to be on the outside and it all ended strong other than Abs deciding - hey maybe I can pounce on Fiona a little here. The claps were wonderful. Deb and her pair was wonderful and Delilah - Abs sister, won really big all weekend and so did many of the Rockhurst dogs. Abs came in 3rd in her class, Fiona 4th and 3rd twice in her class and bottom line - it was fun but anything and everything was going wrong. It was like a comedy of errors starting with me being so sick, people thought I was mad. That was just me with a brain in so much fog I couldn't think straight but I wanted to be there to support the crew and enjoy and we did.
To all the winners - Norm and Cheryl's tears over Magical Mandy winning Best in Breed at the National Specialty and retiring - well priceless - all of it. I will let Nathan fill you in on the funny moments and we promise you photos but 8 DVDs worth - yeouch.
More later...or more from Nathan.
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