Hookups, Snow & Puppy Possibilities

Well, the snow is disaPPEARING but that Fiona misses it. Me, I am not sure. I got washed yesterday despite mommy being sick so she must have felt I was really bad. That's okay - she snuggled with me extra cause she thinks I smell good. I think I smell just fine the other way.
Daddy is still out of town so it's just the mommy out in the back in her jammies - what a sad sight that is. She thinks she has it going on with that big baby blue bathrobe with hearts on it but shhh don't tell her - she doesn't.
Wasabi is going to mingle with the cool Coolio again today to see if they can get another hook up so we can make sure pups will come. Will she - will she not? They usually refuse when the time is past - and usually is the operative word. Today will come with its own story. We shall see.
More later - hoping for warmer times.
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