New Adventures for the Havanese Koob Updated

Lots of changes for Kooba. We are sad to see her go but also excited for her and her new adventure. We are already getting great reports about her making her first step to adjusting and she is enjoying her new packmate brother and family. They went on 3 walks today. Bet you she loved that!
Life is always changing and forever evolving. We are what we experience. We are richer due to this one being in our life and this new home - well they will be richer with this addition too.
What a special dog she turned out to be. Life - and its mysteries and why it unfolds as it does makes for an interesting ride.
The gang here goes into stagnant mode when someone they like goes home or leaves. That is where they are today but tomorrow will bring a new day. After a few weeks they will love when they come to visit and it will be old home week for all the dawgs!
Tomorow we are off to the Port Hope show but we never got a paper mailed to us and Nathan never called (too much on his mind) so we are either showing or just showing up to watch the rest. Tomorrow will tell.
We need to see Paula - head of the HFC rescue to give her the paperwork etc so it won't be for nothing. Besides - whens the last Friday I didn't work my fool head off . Sure - I enjoy my work but loved just celebrities stuff more. ROFL
More later>>
Reader Comments (1)
Nice to hear!