Havanese Puppy Education

We are practicing our growls. You say WHAT - yes, our growls. When our dogs bark at the door, we find the leader, say no bark and growl but you have to sound like you mean it. Consistency helps. A quick bark to warn you is a good thing but not if they continue - well at least for us.
We have a dog in the neighbourhood that howls all day long and our dawgs think it's their job to warn us about it.
Daddy was out this morning getting chicken to make for us and the doggies - spoiled lovees that they are.
Miss Abs is adjusting to the leash and daddy has been going out with her once a day. Let's see how she does in class in TWO days. Will she remember. Will she shine or will she forget it all?
We hear that Remy is now in classes - bravo! Here's a photo that his parents shared with us. We miss the precious guy. Nice to hear how the crew is doing.
More later...
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