Puppy Teaser

Mommy and daddy just got home. They were off saying Happy Birthday to Danielle for her 7th birthday. Mommy is trying to figure out how to show all the puppy photos. Think we are going to talk Yvonne into starting a blog for her gals and we will point to each other - hint hint! Until then, I will try to figure out how to display so many.
Here you will see Wasabi with two of the puppy crew. She really loves the pups and they are at an age that they are ever so cute.
They just adore playing outside and we had a grand time watching them. More puppy photos coming tomorrow - somehow, someway.
We did get to hear Wasabi's puppies heartbeat. Now how cool is that! Now how many puppies do you have in there oh Hot & Spicy Wasabi Woo!
Poor Katsuro was taking a time out from trying to romance Maggie. He just was beside himself as she would tease him then sit down. It took him awhile to calm down after getting in the car to go home. Someday...someway. ROFL!
Tomorrow mommy is going to try to listen to them again. Daddy has to do a trade show for the next 3 days so it's Mommy and me. Poor daddy will be coming home really tired. Maybe mommy will try to dive like daddy off the diving board - we shall see! She really needs mega practice to get anywhere as good as daddy.
Well as we said, poor Katsuro was having a tough time today. Mags was - well she was his attraction. He caressed her ears, danced with her, she would tease him and then he would...well you know and she would sit down. It was more than any boy can handle but he was a good egg but then Risa was watching all this and came over and said enough of that! Get that tongue back in your head and straighten out - ohm - it's yoga time - get in the right mind state - practice silly boy to act well like the son I used to know. He just ignored Queen Risa. Heck, he ignored everyone and just focused on the Mags.
You can't blame him for trying. The Mags is beautiful! He'll get over it....someday and besides Mags is promised to someone else - real soon now!
Before we sign out for tonight, I had to add this photo of Yvonne's dog Britney with one of the pups. I swear she is an overgrown Havanese on steroids - hahahahaha - On a serious note, I watched her and she is one of the most loving moms and the pups aren't even hers. Risa saw the pups and made sure they knew that she wasn't their mom. It was so amazing to see this gentle giant loving Lola's pups.
More tomorrow when the fingers are awake and the brain is engaged!
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