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Mom & Dad were going to take a photo of me drinking from my new Mutt-tini glass. I was already using it but mom didn't have her camera ready - silly mom! So, she found a photo online to post. I am using it daily but mom never has her camera when I do - geez mom!
Thanks to my other mom - Momma Rita and Daddy Willard for such a trendy gift. They know I am a red carpet gal.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Darlah, Nathan and Wasabi,
It was so good to see all of you yesterday along with Risa, Shoshi, Kat, Terra and Whitney. Wasabi's new puppies will be an exciting adventure for all of us and this is such a nice way to share with everyone.
Wasabi, you're certainly getting the STAR treatment. Well you had better enjoy it now because once the babies come you're going to nothing but work work work.