Oh My Havanese Trouble Or What?

Here I am with the crew but I selected one where my face wasn't scrunched up as they were crawling all over my face and I was trying not to laugh too hard. Here is Tux giving me kisses. I am afraid we are in big trouble with him.
There's only been one dog that has been able to stick up to our Queen Biach, Risa - our Havanese who rules the house of the dogs with much love but doesn't let anyone mess with her with the exception of Katsuro and now dear old Tux sauntered up to her dish while she was eating and anyone knows the Risa is a major food hound - you do not touch her food - well she growled at Tux - he backed off - thought about it and decided it was worth the challenge and ended up eating out of her dish with her eating too. Now, the dogs are not food aggressive but Risa will let out a growl to say - ah - wait - I get it first. She looked at Tux, let out a sigh and continued eating. It was priceless. I guess she rather likes him. She tends to get really attached to dogs that stick up to her. ROFL!
Our dear old gal decided she was going to bark and I looked at her, put my finger up and didn't say a word and she stopped. It tells me that body language must speak volumes. This is the formative years and it is important to get them to follow the rules by correcting in a positive way. Now if we could just get her not to run under the deck like Mommy Wasabi taught them. Well, the crew is sleeping again and soon we will be back to having another play session and one on one training. They adore the one on one time and that's nice. Wasabi was outside earlier chasing them all over the place and they were chasing her. It's amazing that even with the ice, how good they are at maneuvering. I just wish my body was able to be as easily as theirs. I can't wait for the ice to go. Oh well, I best get the Yaktrax out. It's time.Wasabi tends to be a troublemaker - not in a bad way but she LOVES to tease. Here she is with a chicken strip and she's saying look what I have and you don't. She even saves it after the others have had theirs long gone just so she can covet it in front of the others.
We are allowing the crew to have their play sessions in a larger area of the house. We now allow them in the kitchen and in the hallway with the other doors shut. We place a pad down in various rooms so they can hit the mark. As you can see, they are still hitting the mark. We just have to remember - outside after eating and make sure the pads are in all the rooms they are in.
The crew is really enjoying their freedom and even some go and investigate even further than the others, as you can see here. Tux tends to check out everywhere. He's highly curious and too smart for his own good.
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