Havanese Finding Fun in Toys

My puppies certainly enjoy their toys and human mommy and daddy have a heck of a lot of them so they will be changing them every day when we come downstairs. Most of them like to snuggle and sleep with them. The white one tends to like to sleep with his head up on the railing and tux - the one with most black likes to sleep under the rails without the extra stuff. Will that change as they get older or we move to an x-pen? I am not sure. Time will tell.
For the first time mommy and daddy left the whelping room door open so I could snuggle with them and go back and check on my babies when I felt the need. I am beginning to relax and not worry as much as I know they are safe.
Today I got into the other side of the whelping box away from my pups and they climbed - all right over after me and then I went to the other side and they climbed over again. Something about wanting to feed, I imagine. They are good climbers. It means they are strong and that's a good thang! They all continue to gain. They are all walking and playing and investigating their environment and they love pushing that foam ball around.
Human mommy was weighing them today while she sat on the other side of the box and I came over and laid on her and soon all my pups were feeding and I was laying on mommy so she couldn't move. She thought that was a great experience.
Someone said we got snow yesterday - oh my - mommy will have to get cute jackets for the pups - excuses to dress them and when they are old enough, I will introduce them to that white stuff. Human mommy hasn't even moved everything in yet - silly.
Well, tomorrow we have a couple of people coming to see the pups so mom is deciding if we come down 1 day early to the x-pen or wait till Friday.
More later - human mom has to feed me and her too - and coffee junk too - well for her.
Reader Comments (2)
I can't believe how much the puppies are growing and changing. So fun! We are having sooo much fun getting to know our Posh. I will finally post a blog with pictures some time today. I've been busy being a new mom. She's doing great! Yesterday we had zero accidents! Also she's getting the hang of coming to me and sitting for a treat or a pet vs. jumping up. I can't remember what it was like not to have her in our lives. Yay!
Sounds like you are in Havanese love and there's no cure. tee hee
I will check out your blog. Been a tad busy keeping up with my little ones, our older dogs and work - yeah work - sigh...got to eat but I like my job - just want to make more $$ - don't we all... Catch you soon! I am sooooo excited for you!