My puppies adore this doggie that human mommy put in the whelping box. It simulates a dog's heartbeat so my pups like to snuggle with it when I am not available. We bought it from DoggieStyle Petwear where they have a lot of cool dog stuff.
A gal has to go outside, do her duty and look at the big blue rainy, miserable sky - you know. Well, maybe not. I think I will hang out with the pups all day today. ROFL!
Human Mommy was at it with testing the pups but she didn't get to but one today. Busy - busy day but she did get to play with them, change their beds, weigh them and brush and comb me out. Those crazy celebrities are keeping her busy.
Mommy had one of my babies....crawling in this tunnel that she bought at Dine's Boutique (they have some really cool stuff) and he just didn't know which way to go. Much more difficult, at least for this one than the other tunnel but that's a good thing. It will hold their attention longer.
It wasn't until I Wasabi, his Havanese mom looked in the tunnel that he knew which route to go but that's okay. He saw me and life was good. They just smell me and come running these days. This tunnel also crinkles. How fun can that be!
I must have that extra special touch. Can you just hear him saying, oh there you are mom.
Human mommy and daddy are really enjoying how we interact now. It has just truly begun. The faces are getting more defined. The personalities are starting to come out. Life is ever so good. We even get to come downstairs at the end of this week - cool!
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