Havanese Snuggle & Play Time

It's visiting day for our puppies at our house and mommy tried to tell me this is socialization time but I know what she's doing - she's doing it for HER SAKE - oh my pups love it as you can see. They climb right over her and kiss and snuggle with her. She just loves it.
The one with the half mustache is one of the best climbers and the funniest one when it comes to play. He also seems to be the best runner - yes - they are running. He's way interesting. He just adores checking out the house, people, tunnels and so does the lone gal. Shhh but daddy adores that gal.
I tell you, my pups are becoming so interesting - each with things that make you laugh and wish they were never leaving. Even one seems to sit and snuggle and watch TV with mom - the one with one black ear and 2 black spots - a class act of calmness but fun.
Oh puppy heaven...my mom and dad have that addiction but these pups...mom says - well they are something else - early climbers, not afraid of anything thus far...ah...puppy breath - nothing like it daddy say.
Now if that wasn't enough, daddy also got into playing with my little ones. They climb up and kiss him, run through his legs and can't seem to get enough of that silly guy.
When do *I* get time with them? Well, I am playing with them more now that they seem to be getting older - 5 weeks - wow, snuggling and kissing them and even correcting them. Mommy says I am turning into a really great mom and I just adore the kisses and snuggles. I just lay there and snuggle and enjoy even after I am done eating.
Today mommy and daddy's grandkids are coming over, their daughter, hubby and of course grandpa and his wife and Tal is making the trek in from London to see my babies so expect more photos. My babies are going to have a full day of playing, socialization and lots of fun. Throw in a few people that are coming to look at pups we don't know and wow - visiting city but we love it and I am calming down now about people oohing and ahhing over my pups. I can't figure out why they don't about me - silly people - ha but I know - puppies - how can you resist.
Well - look for my photos and an update later. Exciting times...
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