Day 11 Havanese Puppy Stretch

It's Day 11 and time to start doing my Havanese yoga. Yeah, if human mommy can fit it in, so can I. I just have to plump up on all that cool refreshment, watch my waist line expand and then work it off. Don't we all do that? Better than eating Halloween candy as that goes straight to....well we won't talk about THAT! Food does a body good.
My auntie Risa - who is clamoring to take care of us can attest to that statement. That gal will go to great lengths to get food. My Havanese mommy, Wasabi is a small gal and our sire is too. They only do Havanese yoga for the fun of it - heh!
Well, human daddy already has to cut our nails when we are tired. Mommy was a soaking mess after going outside today and human mom had to clean her feet. Yeah - I know this is MOMMY"S BLOG but the kids are taking over - ROFL! Don't they all? They win your hearts and it's all over.
Well, be sure to check out our latest photos. Now if I can only get human mommy caught in the act in photo print of laying in our whelping box 'oohing and ahhing' over us, well that will be something to blackmail her with. Oh, the mind is already churning away at wonderful ideas. Those humans better watch out when we get mobile as their lives will never be the same!
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