Here is the gallery.
Some of the visitors that wanted got to play with the pups. It was great exposure for the olders and the younger set. They will have their last deworming tomorrow. This gives them a few days before departure in case they react to it. They have had 2 earlier dewormings without issue but each have the potential to have a unique reaction and I like to be careful and not send home deworming the day before. Their stools have been solid from birth till now. Sometimes stress creates an issue with looseness but that usually rectifies itself on its own. I do not suspect they will have an issue in the least. Their digestion has been great no matter what I throw at them. New events, new foods. All good!
The videos are already up. I just put another up as they played with some adult visitors that was curious and wanted to. All did well with each other.
As I type, the pups are back outside on 2 decks. They go up and down now. I am impressed.
Thursday they will have yet another bath. It may be just Dennis and I as Spirit has her xray that day and if Nathan's knee doesn't improve (I drew a line around the redness), he will be going to the dr fpr its 1st opening. If it does grow, I will take him in to where I go.
I have much to do to get ready for pups going home. I do it here and there. Please bring a large sherpa bag or sherpa like bag. Don't go medium or small. They can even sleep in it on your bed or on the floor next to you those 1st few night and you can travel with them in it to go to the store to get a collar and lead. No blanket is needed as we have one for you that we will rub on mom so they have that comforting scent.