1st a boy born at 1211am and he weighs 6-7/8oz 197g. He is a brown and white.
2nd is a girl all dark brown with a thin white blaze on chest. She weighs 5-7/8oz 168g
3rd one was born at 1253am. It's a boy. He is brown and beige. He may end up being a tri. He weighs 6-6/8oz 193g
The 4th one is a boy. He is the largest so far weighing in at 8-2/8oz 234g. He was born at 112am. He appears to be a chocolate already.
The 5th one is a boy. He was born at 130am. He is indeed a chocolate and white sable. He weighs 7-1/8oz 203g
The 6th born is yet another boy and he is the smallest so far. He was born at 222am. He weighs 5-4/8oz 157g He has the most white on him and he is brown and white. Looks like yet another chocolate.
Here is the gallery. Still waiting to see if we have 7 pups. Videos will have to wait till I am alive. Sorry.
7th was born at 4am. It's yet another boy. He weighs 6oz 171g. He is another chocolate with beige front paws. I went to bed at 330am thinking she was done. No video of him as I was not here but Nathan took photos the best he could. He did not wake me up. The new blanket I bought was a mess as he was delivered on that.
All pups are eating. They all are doing really well. I will try to get the videos uploaded as I can and take a video of the last or all together. We have Bell coming so we will be juggling and I am still trashed. 3 hours sleep is better than no sleep but I need recovery. Nathan is in bed and I suspecy won't be up till he has a full night sleep.