Water Water

The gal likes to play in the water bowl. She soaks herself by paddling in the bowl. She was a wet rag earlier. I am trying to stop the behavior but she gleefully thinks it is fun.
Videos are already up. Yesterdays are up too thank you Youtube who wouldn't process them yesterday but did today. I am not sure why. Nathan even managed to get me with the pups. It is rare that I am in a video as I am behind the camera. But despite my knee killing me, they are a welcomed distraction.
Simba, an older dog was playing with them today. This was a new dog to the pups. We try to keep adding someone new.
It rained. It didn't but they still managed to have fun.
Nathan is going to send out mail. We have an xray for Tempie on Friday but she could potentially have the pups when we have the 8 week visit so we have to have an alternative day - Saturday and if it doesn't work, Sunday. We may not need it but if we do not have it in place, we will. Murphy's law and all.
Today the gal didn't complain with the noose - 1st time but wasn't crazy about the air blowing on her but there is improvement. On July 20th the pups have their 8 week checkup where they get a complete physical, vaccines and microchip. That is 8 days from now - wow.