It's a Day
It is my day off but I take the pups being all they can be seriously. That is why people wait and I wish no one had to wait. In these 10 weeks, if we see things to work on, we just do. They have had a LOT of exposure to chainsaws, lawnmowers, trimmers, planes, birds, dropping pans, barking - anything we can throw at them to see what their reaction is. It tells us what to condition them to. They are doing really really well.
Today I took the gal and boy and didn't bathe them. I sprayed them with grooming spray, combed them out and put a noose on each and blow dried. The gal was better than her bath day but she still needs to be conditioned to that blowing hair and something restrictive on her neck. I will do it daily for both till she no longer reacts. The boy could care less. But if I am doing the gal, I may as well do the boy. Getting used to things is important so you do it over and over till who cares. Besides combing and blow drying them daily will help them to handle the comb, the dryer, the spray, the water etc.
I do notice they are climbing on the blue ramp now and up and down the slide. They are also perfecting their running skills. They eat and drink well. We will take them in the pool again.
We are going to stop them eating during the night as they are sleeping now every time I check on them. Usually it is after 8 weeks when that occurs. They are ahead of the curve.
I hope we get some interesting names for them.
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