Almost Visit Time

The pups had 2 play sessions outside and as soon as I am done with this blog, I am going to take them out again. Nathan is transporting a dog home. It's been mostly me today doing it all. LOL So bear with me.
I did weed so people can get by on the walkways. I intended on doing more but my knee is not cooperating. aUnless I am on tylenol 3s, I am in too much agony so people coming for the puppy visit will just have to ignore the garden. On the 8th week they may have to do the same as Tempie may have pups then. So - it is what it is,
Mom and 2 kids will have baths this Saturday. We may or may not take them into the pool. We shall see.
Hooray they are now eating mostly hard Fromms with chicken. We send you home with a full bag. No worries along with other goodies.
The pups have a grand time outdoors now. They truly have delicious personalities. They seem to embrace everything so far.
Check out the videos getting uploaded shortly. I will be uploading while the pups play outdoors with me. No more videos or photos today. Need to play and upload.