
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


3 Weeks 3 Days Old

The pups are now playing a fair bit of time. It is nice to watch. 

Here is the gallery.

They have waggy tails when I go into the pen. It is so delightful. I just can't get enough. 

Momma Ella had a bath today after she went for a swim. LOL

I wonder if her pups will be swimmers.

Be sure to check out the videos.


First Outdoors

The crew had their first outdoor experience. Nathan carried them around. I got to take photos and they got to feel the deck. It was a success. Not a single pup shook though they were not sure about walking on the wood. 

Here is the gallery.

We usually do not do this at this age but with the warm weather, I thought we would give it a try. Cinnamon we did hours later and she was literally miffed but excited when it was her turn. I believe she thought Ella was the only one. 

These two moms are so competitive. It's a riot!

Pups are truly getting better at walking and they are finding that humans are fun. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


We Are Playing Too

The Ella pups are playing now too and getting rather good in walking. I purposely put in things that they have to climb over and under etc. I do this to help them use those muscles. By using them they gain strength. A flat surface would only work certain areas - not all. So, I create a challenge to get them to use all aspects of their bodies. 

Here is the gallery.

Ella does play with them a fair bit of time but she also lets them sleep. Ella is more protective over her pups than Cinnamon is. As in Cinnamon does not mind Ella cleaning up her babies. When Cinnamon goes into her area, sometimes Ella growls under her breath to tell Cinnamon - go away and sometimes she doesn't. This just started as I took down the blanket between the pens and that leaves the pups more exposed. But when trying to get puppies together from 2 litters you slowly condition them and the moms. The first was to remove the blanket between the pens. 

Now Ella is up on the recliner and Cinnamon went into Ella's area to sniff up her babies and no reaction from Ella. 

Pups are doing well. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks Old

This little girl seems to be the quickest in her milestones. She is also highly curious so she looks out of the xpen a great deal. She wants to know what is going on. Cinnamon has 1 like that too. 

Here is the gallery.

It is hard to believe they are 3 weeks. 

They are starting to walk and to play though at this point they do that after eating as that is when they have the most energy. Then they sleep till next feeding. As they get older they stay up longer and longer but even when they go home to you they are sleeping a fair bit.

Be sure to check out the videos.


1 Day Shy of 3 Weeks

I have finally settled into believing Ella's pups have a slower growth curve. Saffron is like that too - slow from the start and after a year they get to their full size where Adele pups was fat and big from the start and they slow down quicker than Saffrons. This is what we are seeing with Ella and Cinnamons. That makes sense looking back at the lines. 

Here is the gallery.

It is a frustrating process as I placed a Saffron pup only to have her grow to size late. This is what we have here. They each get to where they are supposed to but they do it at different rates. It makes putting the 2 litters together interesting but we always managed to do so. It is just done later vs. earlier. 

Both litters are on the same development curve. They opened their eyes at the same time. They are trying to walk now - both litters and they are attempting play. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


19 Days Old

The pups are getting quite delicious. they too have started to snuggle, play and look around at their environment. They are 2 days short of 3 weeks. 

Here is the gallery.

Now that I have space to sit in the xpen with mom and pups, I can spend time holding, snuggling and getting them used to people. We have also started holding them to look outside from the windows. Our goal is to have them outdoors at 4 weeks to play. Now if the weather cooperates, we will have time to do a fair bit of conditioning. when it is raining, we will go upstairs to play or in the kitchen. 

It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun from the 3 to 10 week stage. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


18 Days Old

I have to say I love watching them sleep. This one has apricot bleeding through. What a beauty. I can't wait till their personalities start unfolding. Exciting times are coming.

Here is the gallery.

The pups didn't gain as much as they did the night before but gain they did. Usually when they come out of the whelping box, it takes a bit of time for mom to get them gathered up from such a wide area and often they will just feed whomever is there and play catch-up with the ones sleeping. They are all doing really well with this large space. No fear, no concerns. It's cold today so the have been under the heat lamp - yes they find it or piled together. In a small space it is actually more difficult for them to get away from the heating lamp. 

When the eyes open, they start hearing and their bodies are able to regulate - meaning they do not need the heat lamp as much unless it's cold in the house. You can also add blankets to give them places to go under. It is not necessary but it is cool in the house. Perhaps what we are feeling is damp with this rain. 

Today I held up one of the pups to have it look through the window. It did look. It didn't react. I will do this daily and I will walk them around so they get used to their environment. I will wait till it is warm before walking them in our hands outside. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


17 Days New Digs

Ella's pups were the 2nd to have their whelping box removed. In Ella's case, she was miffed when I did Cinnamon's and kept coming to me to do hers. I have to laugh. 

Here is the gallery.

How did they do without the comfort of the closed in whelping box? They are taking to it as if it is meant to be. No reaction. They spread out. They investigated. They cuddled and Ella is realizing that I can lay in the xpen with her and she rather likes that.

Be sure to check out the videos. I am uploading them as I do the blog. 


16 Days Old

The pups are starting to get up on their legs and play. It's so cute to see the start of the interactions. They are adorable.

Here is the gallery.

The moms are great together. I am so looking forward to them walking then running and going outside. Exciting times ar coming.

Be sure to watch the videos.


15 Days Old

Ella is ready to take care of her pups and Cinnamon's. It's a riot.

Here is a small gallery.

Ella is a pickier eater than Cinnamon. Cinnamon eats twice as much as Ella and sometimes Ella says no to steak - can you believe. She always likes mousse. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


2 Weeks Old

The pups, eat, sleep, squirm and sometimes get up on their legs. So it begins. 

Here is the gallery.

Ella is getting picky at times with eating. It's amazing what she is fed in a day.

Pups are round and fat. All their eyes are open.

Be sure to check out the videos.


1 Day Short of 2 Weeks Old

Here is the gallery. It contains 2 shots of each puppy with the front and back view (1 of each). Puppies eyes will be fully open by this evening. The remaining ones have slits as if to say - are you kidding - not yet.

Be sure to check out the videos. 

Pups are getting used to being held. They are looking at us with curiosity but probably wondering who we are. then I snuggle and give them kisses and perhaps they connect the dots and go oh that was where that was from. 

The pups are gorgeous with 1 passing 1 pound and the rest almost there. They are a few ounces less than Cinnamon's but their bodys are shorter in length. Both are going to be stunners. You wait as they start getting mobile.


12 Days Old

No one else has opened their eyes - at least yet. We find often they open them when the room is darker and that makes sense. We will look again after the sun goes down. I like to have sun streaming through the windows so they get vitamin D.

Here is today's gallery.

As this is Father's Day, this blog will be short today.

Be sure to check out the videos.


11 Days Old: 2 Eyes Open

These two have their eyes open and the other 2 have slits. It usually takes a few days - 3-4 days for activity to begin after the eyes are open. When they first open their eyesight is blurry. Each day it gets clearer. 

See the gallery.

They had their nails cut. Ella's puppy nails were not as long as Cinnamons. They were wiggly and fun to hold. 

I suspect the other 2 pups will have their eyes open tomorrow or the next day. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

Ella fed her pups today then hung out at the pool for about 10 minutes. She was relaxed. I like how trusting she is.


10 Days Old

I have started to weigh the pups only at 7am now. They are all doing well.

Here is the gallery.

I can't wait till all 10 are mobile.. I am doing the watch of who is going to open their eyes first. I hope I am the one to see them first. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


9 Days Old

Yes, what you are seeing is both moms in with Cinnamon's pups. They are adjusting to each other and often go take care of each others pups.

Here is a short gallery. I know I have more photos but can't find them.

Ella's pups are doing really well. You can see that black noses starting to come in. Can't wait till their eyes are open.

Be sure to check out the videos.


8 Days Old

Ella's pups are starting to get their pigment too. They also like climbing under pillows and blankets. It drives me crazy as they can miss a feeding doing crazy things like that but their weights remain fine. 

As you can see the sable has a creamy tip on her tail. She has the same colour on her chest. The boy has a triangle on his back. How cute... We are going to try to get individual photos in a couple of days. All 10 pups are so beautiful. I know - aren't that all? But wow nice pups - don't you think?

Here is the gallery.

They are fat and growing.

Be sure to check out the videos.


1 Week Old

Pups are 1 solid week old now. They are all plump and moving all over. I really can't wait till eyes are open and we get to see some really interesting activity. 

Here is the gallery.

Ms Ella is caught trying to clean Cinnamon's pups as well. Perhaps she wants them all. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


One Day Short of 1 Week

Pups are 1 day short of a week old. They are plump and active and Momma Ella loves them so.

Here is the gallery.

It is hard to believe that in a few weeks we will be having fun with both litters outside. 

I can see as the days go by each mom relaxes with each other. They are still curious but there is a mutuak respect.

Be sure to check out the videos.


Day 5

Can you believe it is day 5 already? Moms have really got into the routine. Ella even comes out when they are sleeping to do her duty, get some snuggles and enjoy the fresh air. It's not for long but she has learned to have some balance. If I am not on this room with them they also want to see where I am. When I get my 15 minutes in the pool or so, it is as if Ella says really - I can't swim. A few more weeks and you can between feeding and once they are eating solids, you can swim longer. It will happen, Ella!

Here is the gallery.

They are fat, contented and are gaining over an ounce a day. 

I catch Ella just gazing at them in awe. 

Be sure to check out the videos.